Sobota, 21.9.2024 –  URADNI TURNIR za U14 in U16 in neuradno U12

Vabimo Vas na tradicionalni mednarodni judo turnir JUDO PRLEKIJA OPEN 2024, ki se bo odvijal v športni dvorani ŠIC (Grossmanova ulica 7, 9240 Ljutomer).

Tekmovanje je namenjeno tekmovalcem starostnih kategorij U12 ,U14 in U16 in bo potekalo na 4 tatamijih.

Propozicije najdete v priponki spodaj.

We are pleased to invite you to the traditional international tournament JUDO PRLEKIJA OPEN 2024, which will be held in Sports hall ŠIC Ljutomer (Grossmanova ulica 7, 9240 Ljutomer) on 21st of September.

The competition is reserved for age groups U12,  U14 and U16 and will be organised on 4 tatamis.

The propositions can be found in the attachment below.